Marina Zarth


Individual Therapy

Marina Zarth

There are several reasons why people seek therapy.

Even with different demands and goals, most seek it to better understand themselves, and develop strategies to deal with their thoughts, pains and emotions.

It is often a challenging process. It requires openness, a genuine desire to look within yourself, and the courage to address topics that are often sensitive and painful.

However, it is also an empowering and enriching process, that transforms us (and I say this from personal experience!).

It is powerful to deeply know ourselves and allow ourselves to live a more authentic life - and therapy can assist you with that!

If you have any doubts about whether this process is right for you, or if you want more information, please feel free to contact me.

Let's understand together if therapy is suitable for you at this moment and if we have a connection to embark on this journey.

Frequently asked questions

How do the sessions and the therapy process work?

In the initial sessions, we will work together to identify your demands and objectives and create a treatment plan.

Throughout the process, we will strive for you to gain more self-awareness, develop new skills, and achieve a healthier life.

We will respect your pace and work together to accomplish your therapy goals.

  • I usually work with weekly sessions of 50 minutes of duration.
  • I primarily offer online sessions, but I also provide in-person sessions in Amsterdam.
  • My sessions are held in English or Portuguese.

What is your work methodology?

I use an integrative approach of current and evidence-based techniques, knowledge and tools to guide you in this process.

My theoretical foundation is in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Schema Therapy.

Alongside the technique, methodology, and specific studies related to your case, we will strongly focus on building a good therapeutic relationship based on respect, dialogue, collaboration, and affection.

We will walk this journey together.

Can I have this service covered by the Health Insurance?

My services are not covered by the health insurances in the Netherlands.

This is because Dutch health insurances require a standardised model of care (including duration and approach) that may not always align with my way of working.

Additionally, there are certain requirements from the Dutch government for psychologists to be affiliated with health insurances, such as fluency in the Dutch language (which I currently do not have).

It may not seem too advantageous to proceed with private psychotherapy, but there are some advantages to going through this process with me:

  • You don't need to be in the waiting queues of health clinics affiliated with the health insurance.
  • You don't need to wait for a doctor's (GP's) referral.
  • You can have the sessions in your native or preferred language (Portuguese or English).
  • You will have a therapeutic process fully tailored towards your needs (without having to follow what would be stipulated by the health insurance).

What types of demands do you usually work with?

A few examples of demands I work with are:

  • Anxiety (including panic complaints, social anxiety, chronic worrying, etc)
  • Mood complaints (including depression, grief, etc)
  • Stress and burnout
  • Negative self-image / low self-esteem / low self-worth
  • Stressors related to culture change
  • Eating disorders
  • Loneliness
  • Relationship problems
  • Career-related problems
  • Unhealthy behavioural patterns

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Picture of Marina